Kamis, 29 April 2010

Haunted and Cursed Gadgets: Spooky Stuff!

If you have watched the film White Noise then you will be aware of EVP (electronic voice phenomena.) If you haven’t, then basically it is the theory that the dead can communicate with the living via TV and Radio static or even through a humble voice recorder.

The importance of gadgets in the pursuit of the paranormal is no new thing. The first attempts to record EVP were made in 1941 by photographer Attila von Szalay and since then we have seen a whole host of ghost hunting gadgets: electronic thermometers, digital voice recorders, digital cameras, EMF detectors. But not only can gadgets help us find ‘spirits’ but they can also be home to them.

So you’ve had your TV on channel 0 for three hours and your gran still hasn’t made an appearance, the EMF meter is silent; now what? Buy a possessed gadget off eBay of course.

Recently a Casio VL tone was sold on eBay. But this wasn’t any normal vintage keyboard. It was a vintage keyboard haunted by the Devil. According to the seller the keyboard’s LCD display was “filled with random blinking garbage, the randomness stabilised and became a pulsating 666, (and most terrifying of all) it wasn’t even turned on.” It sold for $51, no joke, with postage set at $6.66.

If you think that’s strange, a cursed iPhone was placed for sale on eBay (I doubt it sold seen as the starting price was 8 million dollars). Apparently the phone’s screen was “mega hot” and had an image “of Steve Jobs burned onto it.” To top off the burning image of Steve, the phone is also said to “chuckle” at random and often inappropriate times.

Unfortunately the bidding has ended on those items, but when I had a look on eBay today there was a ‘cursed digital camera’ for sale which rather gruesomely ‘previously belonged to a murdered couple.’ So get on eBay and get involved in the latest gadget craze, possessed technology.

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Haunted and Cursed Gadgets: Spooky Stuff! is a post from: UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping Site - Gaj-It.com

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