Kamis, 15 April 2010

Brandy On Blogging: “People Go Too Far”

Do blogs push the boundaries of human decency too far? Brandy seems to think so.

VH1’s newest reality star is sounding of on blogging meanies and the racist, sexist, and profane commentors who regularly follow celebrity snitch sites. In a blog of her own for VIBE.com this week, B-Rocka chats about the negativity that she receives on the blogs that seem to rip everything about the “Baby” crooner, from her looks (Baby hair and lacefronts just don’t mix…) to the tragic 2006 car incident that claimed the life of a young mother.

Although Brandy was never criminally-charged for the collision, she routinely takes heat for it on the blogosphere and the abusive comments seem to be taking their toll on the former ’90s teen star.

“People think that you being strong doesn’t mean things don’t hurt your feelings. That’s not what being strong means. I’m a very strong person, but some of those things that people say about me on blogs make me cry. I don’t like it. And what’s so frustrating is that I don’t get a chance to retaliate. Because y’all are not posting y’all pictures on the blogs. I can’t respond and I can’t be negative back because that’s just not me,” she begins.

Brandy adds that she believes because celebrity blogging can be a very lucrative business, fans and bloggers forget that their favorite stars are people too:

“If I was running the site, I wouldn’t post a bad picture of another person. I just wouldn’t do that. All to make money. For what reason? There are other ways that you can make money. Why do you have to do that at the expense of somebody else? And then the hard part about it is you take a picture of me, I don’t get a piece of that at all. It’s just weird. I just think people should have respect. We have feelings…”

View full post on Hip-Hop Crunch

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