Senin, 19 April 2010

DirecTV would like to remind you that they will have Avatar on time, unlike Netflix

We’re starting to see the results of Netflix’s deal with the devil. DirecTV really wants to make sure you know that while Netflix won’t have Fox and Time Warner’s movies at release day, they will be on PPV. Is that the sound of someone rubbing their hands together in a greedy way?

In a press release issued today, DirecTV took the rather predatory approach of pointing out that while Netflix and RedBox won’t have movies like Avatar on the release date, you will be able to rent them using DirecTV. Of course, that’ll cost you between $4.99 and $5.99 per title, which ironically is nearly the same cost of a month of Netflix. DirecTV also stated that they were really really sorry, but do to their deal with the movie studios, they can’t offer a subscription model like Netflix does. So there.

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