Jumat, 16 April 2010

iPhone 4G Launch Expected for June 22nd?

Now we all know that we should expect to see the launch of the iPhone 4G in the not so distant future, however it would appear that everyone in the tech world have been pushing to find out even a flicker of details regarding a release date of this next generation iPhone.

Most rumours are gearing towards a summer release date and with suggestion that Apple maybe holding an event at Yerba Buena Center on June 22nd (the same place the iPad was revealed), the summer release date appears to be more likely.

More recently SaskTel’s (Canadian carrier) CEO, Robert Watson revealed information which backs up our speculation that we could expect the iPhone launch to be announced for June. He quoted:

“The good news is that (Apple) is coming out with a new version of the iPhone in the June time-frame and they’re going to put us on that. So we’re quite excited about that”.

So with evidence suggesting that we could see an announcement on June 22nd, the bets are on now. When do you think we will expect the iPhone 4G to be revealed and launched? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think…

Via Apple Insider

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iPhone 4G Launch Expected for June 22nd? is a post from: UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping Site - Gaj-It.com

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