Minggu, 18 April 2010

Weekend Fun: The “Definition Of Fresh”

What makes something, or someone, “fresh”? It’s easy to recognize, but very hard to define.

To help explain the term “fresh,” let’s explore the meaning of fashion. The dictionary defines “fashion” as “the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.” To those of us at DrJays.com Live, fashion is the full expression of a person’s individuality.

Over the years we’ve seen fashion’s good, bad and ugly (illustrated below). But you know fresh when you see it, and it’s not about the gear. It’s the person. Fresh is an energy, a consciousness, a fearlessness. Fresh is owning your style instead of it owning you.

Self-esteem, confidence and swag enliven fresh. Think to yourself: Have you ever seen two similarly dressed people, but one just looks better? Nothing to do with physical looks, just one person looking more comfortable in their skin?

What do you feel is the correct definition of fresh? And why is it so easy to point out in retrospect, but so hard to understand in the present?

We’re asking different types of people, from all over New York City to define what’s fresh live on camera. To be a part of our social experiment, email me, Andrew “Boogs” Fennell, at AFennell@drjays.com. Be sure to title all emails “Definition Of Fresh.” Those outside of the NYC area, please send response via letter or YouTube video and we’ll gladly include them in upcoming columns.

View full post on DrJays.com Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle » Style

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