Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

The Cloak Bag – so that you can stop worrying that guy will steal your camera

Being on holiday in a new place can be a risky business. You don’t know if the cuisine will agree with you, you’re going to get lost on your first walk around, and if you’re anything like me you’re going to worry that something will be stolen. Its the perils of living in the 21st Century.

Well, you can alleviate one of the fears with The Cloak Bag. Your camera fits snuggly inside, pointing downwards. It can hang casually by your side, and when you see an interesting piece of architecture you don’t even need to take it out the bag. Simply lift, point, and click away through the missing bottom. Voila! No worry about getting your camera snatched – the Cloak Bag doesn’t even look like a camera bag.

Ok, so I can see some flaws. Firstly you can get your bag snatched just as easily as your camera. Secondly, you’re going to look a bit of an idiot holding your bag up to your face. And since it’s designed for SLRs I’m not entirely sure it’d work with a standard digital camera, so is probably one for the enthusiasts rather than the casual tourist.

But hey, it saves digging through the rucksack at least.

Buy yours from Cloak Bags for $49.

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The Cloak Bag – so that you can stop worrying that guy will steal your camera is a post from: UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping Site - Gaj-It.com

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