Senin, 29 Maret 2010

iPad Dilemma: No Flash Support? Brightcove May Have the Answer

The official release date for the iPad for April 3rd is gearing closer and with reports that iPad sales are set to sky rocket once the iPad is launched it would appear that many new iPad owner do not seem all too bothered about the fact that the iPad doesn’t include Adobe Flash support.

However, if your one of those people that are, then iPad visitors to sites like New York Times, the Guardian and BSkyB shouldn’t find this lack of playing video on the web a problem.  This is due to the fact that they all use Brightcove video player which will automatically play videos in the HTML 5 format for iPad users.

Although, Brightcove have said that they aren’t going to getting rid of flash support altogether, this certainly comes as good news especially for iPad users who could see other big companies adopting the new HTML 5 mark up language.

What do you think?  Do this news push you to buying an iPad?  Leave us a comment and let us know what you think…

Via Brightcove Blog

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