Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Apple Sign Deal with Samsung for $240 Million to Supply iPad Display Screens

Apple and have signed a contract with Samsung supposedly worth $240 million, which includes Samsung providing 3 million 9.7 inch displays screens for the Apple iPad.

LG are currently primary suppliers of the iPad displays screens, however the deal to make Samsung the secondary supplier is mainly as a back-up plan if there are any issues or supply problems with LG.

With pre-order sales already exceeding expectations and the iPad US launch date set for next week (April 3rd), this looks like a good move for Apple to ensure that demand does not exceed supply.

Via Gadget Venue

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Apple Sign Deal with Samsung for $240 Million to Supply iPad Display Screens is a post from: UK Gadget and Tech News, Reviews and Shopping Site - Gaj-It.com

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