Google Bookmarks isn’t necessarily a new thing, but the ability to share a list of your top sites most surely is.
Google Bookmarks now lets you list your favourite sites under different headings, and share your list (should you choose to do so) with friends or collaborative groups.
The move enhances the web giant’s move towards social media, following the launch of Google Buzz.
You can now create and share your lists, as well as import bookmarks from a friend’s or public list.
Google product manager Christina Chen said that the new feature will improve information sharing between friends and groups.
“Lists help you discover new web content. For example, once you’ve created your list Google will algorithmically analyse your list to identify other potentially relevant links,” she said in a Google blog post.
“Similarly, when we detect that a list is relevant to a specific region, we provide a map of those places and relevant info for each place, such as addresses, hours and reviews.”
To create a list from Google Bookmarks, you just need to click on the nicely obvious “create new list” link, and name and describe your new creation.
Once you’ve started a list, you can choose the bookmarks you want to share, click on “copy to list” and select which list you want to add the bookmark to.
For those wary of overt sharing, lists are private by default.
In the same monosyllabic vein, Google has also introduced a Stars feature, allowing you to personalise search results by highlighting sites that best meet your interests.
Stars allow you to click on a star icon that appear alongside all search results. The starred items will then appear in a special list at the top of the results page the next time you run a search.
Being part of the Google suite, Stars will also synchronise with Google Bookmarks and the Google Toolbar.
Had a play with Google’s new offerings lately? Leave us a comment and let us know.
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