Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Mary J. Blige Diva Tantrum Infuriates Organizers At Miami Jazz Festival

You can take the girl out of the hood, but can you take the hood out of the girl? Not when your initials are MJB! We hear hip-hop soul queen Mary J. Blige infuriated organisers of a Florida jazz festival on Saturday by making bizarre demands and taking to the stage 90 minutes late, according to a spywitness reports.


The “No More Drama” hitmaker performed at the Jazz in the Gardens event at Miami’s Sun Life Stadium, along with blue-eyed soul star Robin Thicke. Snitches say Blige’s “extreme and unwarranted” diva antics has organizers of last weekend’s festival vowing to never book the star again.

Mary was reportedly more than an hour late for her headlining slot, meaning the show ran into overtime.

“While she sat in her limousine, her personal guards came into the press tent to clear out the area like they were the Secret Service. They first demanded that all print and online journalists be kicked out because Mary didn’t want to take questions. They were acting like she was Michelle Obama or Queen Elizabeth,” a source complained to The New York Daily News Tuesday. “Her handlers kept saying that she would ‘go onstage when she was ready,’ but it was almost midnight when she got on, which took the entire festival into overtime.”

Mary further angered bosses of the event by demanding the backstage section be cleared before she entered the area.

“When Mary finally emerged from her car, she walked into the tent for literally two minutes wearing dark shades – even though it was night time. She struck one pose and then walked off without bothering to say a single word. Her antics were extreme and unwarranted.”

View full post on Hip-Hop Crunch

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