Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


Earlier on this month GadgetGirl reported that the Wall Street Journal had revealed Google’s plans to
close its Chinese search engine in reaction to ongoing censorship issues between the communist country and the ‘anti-censorship’ Google. Just over a week later and Google who back in January said on their official blog that they were not going to shut down the search engine in but were “holding discussions with the Chinese government,” have now closed down the majority of their offices in China and have redirected internet users in china from to (the uncensored, Chinese language, Hong Kong engine.)

China have reacted angrily to Google’s decision, claiming that it was “totally wrong” and had “violated the written promise it made on entering the Chinese market.”

It seems like Google’s move could have some serous repercussions, with Barack Obama now getting involved stating that he is disappointed that the two parties could not come to an agreement.

And financial experts have pointed out that this could be very bad for Google’s business and that tensions between the two may affect the sale of Google’s phone in China.

With the growth of technology and media and the rise in right-wing politics,it is likely that we will see a lot more censorship issues in the gadget world, in the next few years.

Via Gadget Venue

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