Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

India Arie Sounds Off On Lady Gaga/Beyonce “Telephone” VIDEO

It’s safe to say India isn’t a fan of this “Video…..” Grammy-nominated singer India Arie is sure to upset Gaga’s “Little Monsters” and Beyonce Stans after going on a mini-rant on her Twitter page about the topic that everyone seems to be taking about — the songstress’ buzzed-about music video “Telephone.”

Don’t be offended this is all MY opinion… Am I the only one who thinks the “telephone” video is going a bit too far?

I’m not referring to the abstract nature of the video … I’m talking about the IMAGERY – the unspoken back story, the language the message

I agree gaga is being her image .. I dig her creative mind But still … Thers a such thing as socially irresponsible… I’m just sayin.

Its not long before somebody does a straight NAKED video. Not like Alanis morrisette “thank you india” like NAKED dancing around. LOLhahaha

Let’s be CLEAR! I know it gaga M.O. – I don’t live under a rock. And I get that a lot of work put into it. I’m talking social responsability

There’s an artist ever 10 years who pushes the envelope … but its bout to fall off the Table. When is it too far?

I respect the creative mind but disagree with the “choices” as a dish meant to be served for mass consumption ..

Crazy to me that the Dark, underbelly, s shock at all cost thing is a TREND like asymetrical hair and big shoulder jackets .Slippery slope!

Love life. 6 year old at the store old her mom say who’s your favorite singer

This girl is CUTE! She says “india arie” “aaaaaand?” Her mom promots her she says “beyonce “aaaand” her mom says again “Lady gaga”

Mom turns to me and says “but I won’t let her watch the “telephone” lolhahahaahha! Haha! Tooo Funny.

View full post on Hip-Hop Crunch

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